Waterproof Asset Tracker is as great as it sounds

Asset tracker

The SAT100 – (SafeTrac Asset Tracker 100) is as smart as it sounds.   This robust, small, and waterproof device is ideal for anyone wanting to protect and track valuable goods and assets.   It has an internal battery with a one-year life guarantee and will cost you just 55 pence a day.*   Does […]

Vehicle Tracking – what is it?

At Safetrac Solutions, we put an earnest on keeping our clients safe, and vehicle tracking is one of our top devices for doing this. So, what is it and why should you use it? Vehicle tracking is the fleet management and tracker system that allows your company to reduce costs, whilst also improving customer safety […]

SafeTrac helping battle farming industry theft increase

Farming industry theft has seen an eight year high, with fears it will only increase as the economic crisis hits. According to Farming UK, organised gangs are targeting farming machinery, quad bikes and livestock more and more, meaning a 9% rise and staggering £54 million loss in the rural world. The livelihood of many countryside […]

Asset Tracking solutions from Safetrac

SafeTrac offers powerful management tools to help clients improve their asset optimisation and increase safety and security. Our system allows our clients to remotely track and manage all assets from anywhere in the world. Find out more about Asset tracking! Discreet Asset Tracking Solutions We have a range of asset tracking hardware, from a permanent power source (solar or engine) to a […]

Driver Face Crackdown

Motorists may not be cut any slack when it comes to the 70mph limit thanks to the roll-out of motorway speed cameras. Drivers on motorways around the UK are facing a much greater risk of being fined for exceeding the 70mph speed limit due to the roll-out of the Smart motorways scheme. What is a […]


Protect Yourself against False Claims & Encourage Safe Driving Behavior Whether you’re a victim of a false insurance claim, a parent of a teenage driver, or just looking to have indisputable evidence on your side, then look no further than Safetrac solutions  . Aside from beautiful HD video capture, SmartWitness records vehicle speed, time/date, vehicle […]

Five Things you didn’t know about William at Safetrac

1.       I Offer  customers a  24/7 Emergency Response Customers with one of our Lone Worker devices are monitored 24/7. Any emergency such as a heart attack, an electric shock, or an accident of any kind (even if the worker can’t push the emergency button) will generate SOS alert.  This will get immediately sent to our […]

Introducing our new version of Webtrac, it will amaze you!

Many companies these days see vehicle tracking as an expenditure that they really don’t need. I beg to differ and believe me, the features added to Webtrac will save you money and give you access to some exciting new tracking insights. It will astonish you with its capabilities which give it many more functions than […]

Twig News

Users and administrators of lone worker alarms need to be assured of the reliability of the system in case of an emergency. An audit trail of quality assurance may also be required. The TWIG Self-Test function, when enabled by system administrator, initiates a sequence of device tests always when the TWIG device is powered on, […]

New Twig

TWIG ManDown+ now provides enhanced alert triggers Independent handling of device orientation and no movement caters to wider range of applications. The TWIG ManDown function has now been improved. With the new TWIG ManDown+ the TWIG personal alarm device alerts the alarm receiving centre (ARC) also in scenarios where the user is not moving due […]

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